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This space is dedicated to the bold ideas and evolving programs that shape the future of Bigfork. From hands-on creative experiences to mentorship opportunities and community-driven projects, we are building new ways to connect residents, visitors, and future generations. As we continue to develop and refine these programs, we invite you to be part of the process; by sharing ideas, volunteering, or simply staying engaged. Join us in turning vision into action and making Bigfork a hub of innovation, creativity, and lifelong learning.

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Event Dates & Information

«March 2025»

Schoolhouse Corner

Founded in 1893, The Swan River School has been a beloved landmark in the Bigfork community for over 125 years. In the spring semester of 2018, the students of Mrs. Emslie’s 5th grade glass undertook a project to tell part of their school’s rich history, in the form of short video documentaries that they researched, wrote, shot, and edited themselves.


Bigfork Art / Cultural Center

We are an creative and educational hub in Bigfork that inspires people of all ages through a wide variety of workshops, lectures, and learning opportunities. BACC shares cultures through art and story stewardship. This is BACC’s way of bridging the connection between our past and the future we wish for our children, ourselves, and our world. As determined by the Internal Revenue Service Code, Bigfork Art and Cultural Center is a 501(c)3 organization, exempt from federal income tax. Bigfork Art and Cultural Center's tax identification number is 366212000. 

525 Electric Avenue
Bigfork, Montana
